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Top 50 GK Questions Answers in English for all Competitive Exams



Top 50 GK Questions Answers in English for all                         Competitive Exams

Top 50 GK Questions Answers in English for all Competitive Exams
Top 50 GK Questions Answers in English for all Competitive Exams

Q.No.01 What is the coldest capital city of the world?

Ans. Ulaanbaatar.


Q.No.02 The Kot Diji Fort formally known as Fort Ahmadabad is located in?

Ans. Khairpur, Sindh.


Q.No.03 Grasslands in Australia are called?

Ans. The Downs.


Q.No.04 Who discovered China?

Ans. Marco Polo.


Q.No.05 “Leviathan” is a famous book of Thomas Hobbes it was written in?

Ans. 1651.


Q.No.06 Which International Organization has been honored Noble Prize 3 Times?

Ans. International Committee for Red Cross (ICRC).


Q.No.07 The first successful expedition to the Mount Everest was made in?

Ans. May 29, 1953.


Q.No.08 Name the first explorer(s) to reach the summit of Mount Everest?

Ans. Edmund Hillary of New Zealand & Tenzing Norgay, a Sherpa of Nepal.


Q.No.09 Who wrote the book “India Wins Freedom”?

Ans. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad.


Q.No.10 Which is the oldest political party in U.K?

Ans. The Conservative Party (also known as Tories).


Q.No.11 When labor party of U.K was established?

Ans. February 27, 1900.


Q.No.12 Quebec was the former colony of?

Ans. France.


Q.No.13 Of which country’s researchers developed renewable energy storage devices?

Ans. United Kingdom (UK).


Q.No.14 The world’s oldest known natural pearl has recently discovered in?

Ans. Marawah Island of Abu Dhabi.


Q.No.15 Which is the oldest stock exchange in Asia?

Ans. Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).


Q.No.16 Which is the newest internationally recognized country in the world?

Ans. South Sudan declared independence on July 9, 2011.


Q.No.17 “A Doll’s House” is written by?

Ans. Henrik Ibsen.


Q.No.18 Which Strait connecting the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov?

Ans. Kerch Strait.


Q.No.19 The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus is located in which country?

Ans. Turkey.


Q.No.20 “Bat City” is the nickname of which city?

Ans. Austin, Texas.


Q.No.21 The famous incident of Boston Tea party took place in?

Ans. December 16, 1773.


Q.No.22 Mount Fuji is located in which country?

Ans. Japan.


Q.No.23 Anastasian Wall is located in which country?

Ans. Turkey.


Q.No.24 Where is the Devils Tower located?

Ans. America.


Q.No.25 Great Mosque of Cordoba is located in which country?

Ans. Spain.


Q.No.26 Valley of the kings is located in which country?

Ans. Egypt.


Q.No.27 Which airline competed test of longest non-step passenger flight?

Ans. Qantas.


Q.No.28 The GOP was founded in?

Ans. 1854.


Q.No.29 What is meant by GOP?

Ans. (“Grand Old Party”) Republican Party of US.


Q.No.30 Who was the first women president of UNGA (UN General Assembly)?

Ans. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit.


Q.No.31 Who was 1st UNGA (UN General Assembly) President?

Ans. Paul-Henri Spaak.


Q.No.32 What is the basic element of Education system?

Ans. Instructor.


Q.No.33 Which country has the briefest constitution in the world?

Ans. USA (7,762 Words).


Q.No.34 Which Country is going to give online tourist visa for the first time?

Ans. Saudi Arabia.


Q.No.35 Nomadic people living in Central Asia were called?

Ans. The Huns.


Q.No.36 In which year first one day international cricket match was played?

Ans. January 1971.


Q.No.37 How many gods are there in Zoroastrianism?

Ans. One God.


Q.No.38 What is the meaning of Shiva?

Ans. The Destroyer.


Q.No.39 What is the meaning of Vishnu?

Ans. The Preserver.


Q.No.40 What is the meaning of Brahma?

Ans. The Creator.


Q.No.41 Religion which believes that Hazrat Uzair (A.S) is the son of Allah?

Ans. Jew.


Q.No.42 What was the religion of Persian people before Islam?

Ans. Zoroastrian.


Q.No.43 Which is the most ancient city of South Asia?

Ans. Peshawar.


Q.No.44 In Which fort Raja Dahir’s wife fled with 15000 troops from where she Challenged Muhammad bin Qasim?

Ans. The fort of Rawar.


Q.No.45 Who was the most famous court poet of Akbar?

Ans. Abdur Rahim-Khan-i-Khanan.


Q.No.46 Amir Khusro’s name is associated with the invention of?

Ans. Sitar.


Q.No.47 Which two countries South Asia’s first cross-border oil pipelines?

Ans. India-Nepal.


Q.No.48 What is the literal meaning of word philosophy?

Ans. Love of Wisdom.


Q.No.49 Religion Shintoism is followed in which of country?

Ans. Japan.


Q.No.50 In which sport do teams compete for Dunhill cup?

Ans. Golf.

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