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Top 50 Questions about Everyday Science with Answers


 Top 50 Questions about Everyday Science with Answers

Top 50 Questions about Everyday Science with Answers
Top 50 Questions about Everyday Science with Answers

Q.No.01 Which is the first part of small intestine?

Ans. Duodenum (connects to the stomach).


Q.No.02 Which is the second part of small intestine?

Ans. Jejunum.


Q.No.03 Which is the third part of small intestine?

Ans. Ileum.


Q.No.04 Which part of small intestine accomplishes a good deal of chemical digestion, as well as a small amount of nutrient absorption?

Ans. Duodenum.


Q.No.05 What is the primary function of the jejunum in small intestine?

Ans. To absorb sugars, amino acids, and fatty acids.


Q.No.06 What is the role of ileum in digestion?

Ans. Absorbs bile acids, fluid, and vitamin B-12.


Q.No.07 What are the permanent folds in the mucosa and sub-mucosa of the small intestine?

Ans. Plicae circulare.


Q.No.08 An endopeptidase that breaks down dietary proteins reaching the stomach into amino acids is called?

Ans. Pepsin.


Q.No.09 What is the most common symptom of esophageal disease?

Ans. Heartburn.


Q.No.10 Which organ is considered as chemical factory of human body?

Ans. Liver.


Q.No.11 What digestive product does the liver produce?

Ans. Bile.


Q.No.12 The products of the liver and pancreas participate in what type of digestion?

Ans. Mechanical and chemical, respectively.


Q.No.13 Which part of digestive system helps in the absorption of water and some salts from the undigested food materials?

Ans. Lage intestine.


Q.No.14 Water from undigested food is absorbed mainly in the?

Ans. Large intestine.


Q.No.15 The digestive system processes food into usable and unusable materials. The usable materials are sent to the body’s cells as food. What happens to unusable materials?

Ans. It goes into the large intestine to await disposal.


Q.No.16 Hydrochloric acid triggers the release of enzymes such as _______ which are essential for the digestion of protein?

Ans. Pepsin.


Q.No.17 “Gastric juice” is a secretion of the glands present in________?

Ans. Stomach.


Q.No.18 Which hormone stimulates the production of gastric juice in the stomach?

Ans. Gastrin.


Q.No.19 What part of the digestive tract has 3 layers of smooth muscle in the muscularis externa?

Ans. Stomach.


Q.No.20 Name the layer in the wall of the stomach that contains nerves and blood vessels?

Ans. Sub Mucosa.


Q.No.21 What is the role of mucus secreted by the stomach?

Ans. Protects the lining of stomach from its own secretions of hydrochloric.


Q.No.22 In human body, the main digestion of protein being in which organ?

Ans. Stomach.


Q.No.23 What happens when food reaches the stomach?

Ans. Juices mix with the food and stomach muscles squeeze it.


Q.No.24 Spicy food, coupled with anxiety, may lead to _______?

Ans. Indigestion.


Q.No.25 one of the reasons why some people cough after eating a meal may be due to the improper movement of _______?

Ans. Epiglottis.


Q.No.26 _______ is known as a protein deficiency disorder?

Ans. Kwashiorkor.


Q.No.27 Doctors will suggest _______ if person is suffering from high blood cholesterol.

Ans. Vegetable oil.


Q.No.28 Chymosin is also known as ________?

Ans. Rennin.


Q.No.29 nyctalopia can occur due to the deficiency of _______?

Ans. Vitamin A.


Q.No.30 pancreatic juice is stimulated by the release of?

Ans. Secretin & cholecystokinin.


Q.No.31 Enterokinase helps in the conversion of?

Ans. Trypsinogen into trypsin.


Q.No.32 The ________ is the center of cardiovascular system?

Ans. Heart.


Q.No.33 What is the study of heart called?

Ans. Cardiology.


Q.No.34 The heart is enclosed in a membrane called ________?

Ans. Pericardium.


Q.No.35 The thickest layer in the heart is?

Ans. Myocardium.


Q.No.36 The human heart is located within the _________?

Ans. Thoracic Cavity.


Q.No.37 Thoracic cavity, the second largest hollow space of the body. It is enclosed by the ________?

Ans. Ribs/Rib Cage.


Q.No.38 What is the average weight of Human heart?

Ans. Around 250-350g.


Q.No.39 How many chambers does the heart have?

Ans. Four.


Q.No.40 There are how many kinds of blood vessels in human body?

Ans. Three types.


Q.No.41 What are the 3 types of blood vessels?

Ans. Arteries, Veins & Capillaries.


Q.No.42 The blood vessels which convey blood away from heart called______?

Ans. Arteries.


Q.No.43 The blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart are called________?

Ans. Veins.


Q.No.44 The vessels which communicate blood from heart to various organs or other parts are called?

Ans. Capillaries.


Q.No.45 The blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood?

Ans. Arteries (red).


Q.No.46 What vessels carry deoxygenated blood away from the heart?

Ans. Pulmonary artery only.


Q.No.47 What is the main function of the veins in the circulatory systems?

Ans. Carry blood back to the heart.


Q.No.48 Which type of vein is responsible for carrying oxygenated blood back to the heart from the lungs?

Ans. Pulmonary vein.


Q.No.49 Where oxygen and nutrients are exchanged for carbon dioxide and wast?

Ans. Capillaries.


Q.No.50 Blood which heart pumps to lungs is ________?

Ans. Deoxygenated blood.

Top 50 Questions about Everyday Science with Answers

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