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Internet for all Now


Internet For All Now
Internet For All Now

Internet for all Now

                                                          Editorial 11 May, 2021


TECHNOLOGY-enhanced AI creates new businesses and jobs and destroys old ones. Developing or using AI-based products is not possible without internet access. Disruption of common patterns, technologies and AI is set to dominate, and our decision for 2021 should be: the internet for all. What benefits will the country receive, if the government provides faster internet access to all our people? Here are some pictures.


A suspected Covid-19 contractor living in a rural area travels 400 kilometers to town for testing. The lab tells him to come the next day to get the report. One has two options, both expensive - staying overnight at a hotel or returning home the next day to pick up a report. If you had access to the Internet in your area, the lab would share this report via WhatsApp - think of the time and money saved at the national level and other such savings. Setting aside time and money spent on other expenses means per capita income and the country's highest GDP.


In fact, a large number of people are experiencing health problems but are unable to access quality health care services. Telemedicine can ensure good medical advice for residents of remote rural areas and small towns - some medical issues will be resolved online and some will require a visit to the doctor. Sound professional advice will encourage people to visit a doctor - it will avoid many risks and health risks.


The time and money saved could benefit everyone. Thanks to Covid-19, we have found that transferring education online is possible. Some sources estimate that some 20 million children are illiterate. Reasons include remote schools, poverty and child labor to name a few. The provision of online resources for such children, as well as the flexibility that online education allows, will give working children time to teach themselves. Properly implemented programs can teach even adults - the dream of 100% literacy can come true. We are trying to establish universities everywhere and in the country. Although we are collecting financial resources to install infrastructure, we cannot have enough teachers.


This shortage can be done by teaching online from good universities in big cities. Speed ​​internet is also needed. The largest share of the cost of keeping a consumer of agricultural inputs such as paying for wheat, goes to a famous middle-aged man. Can we eliminate the role of the middle man? Yes! By accessing the internet and using a well-designed app, farmers can strike directly into agreements with retailers and city-based retailers, to prevent middle-class exploitation. Higher profit margins will encourage farmers to produce more - thus contributing to the fight against poverty. One of the few things that have flourished during Covid's time is ecommerce.

However, its benefits are only available to a small portion of the population - those who have access to the Internet. As farmers, some women and men in rural areas, who do manual labor, do not get the right benefit from their skills and efforts due to lack of access to markets.


Access to the Internet will allow such skilled people to get closer to the retailers and artisans in urban areas. Pakistanis are already making a mark in trade so IT-related exports are increasing rapidly. With faster internet access for more people in homes in small towns and remote areas, this is why IT exports will increase dramatically. doctors and roads that do not see traffic.


Providing a fast internet for everyone can be a very lucrative investment. AI disruption has just begun; we cannot predict all the benefits in this category. The PIDE Reform Agenda recommends 'internet for all' soon.


To achieve this goal, if the government has to sell spectrums (e.g. usually) to mobile phone owners in small quantities, this should be done. If this requires having 5G which should be the number one priority. If access requires bringing in multiple cell phone operators, this should be confirmed. Focusing on all of these efforts should be a 'network for all' and not a profit by selling the spectrum at the worst prices.


Those who can afford to pay online should be asked to pay; those who cannot be provided with the intended subsidy. In the first instance, access to the service will be costly - but this will bring benefits, in the near and far future, in ways that are known and unknown now.

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