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Current Affairs Quiz: 21 April 2021


                      Current Affairs Quiz: 21 April 2021 

Current Affairs Quiz for students and readers preparing for competitive exams. Today's Current Affairs Quiz is related to the coronavirus.


1.Which country recently approved the bill that makes "Ecocide" a crime?

a. Russia

b. Japan

c. France

d. Nepal

2. Recently, NASA's miniature robotic helicopter 'Ingenuity' made a successful takeoff and landing on which planet?

a. Mercury Planet

b. Venus

c. planet Earth

d. Mars

3. Which country has launched the world's largest underwater neutrino telescope named 'Baikal-GVD (Gigaton Volume Detector) in Baikal, the world's deepest lake in Siberia?

a. Nepal

b. Russia

c. Japan

d. China

4. 'World Creativity and Innovation Day' is celebrated on which of the following days?

a. 20 January

b. 15 March

c. 21 April

d. 19 July

5. Recently which country launched the first "Mega Food Park" which includes food processing facilities?

a. India

b. Nepal

c. China

d. Russia

                                           Current Affairs Quiz 21 April 2021

6. Which country's space agency RossCosmos is planning to launch its 'Lunar 25' mission in October this year?

a. China

b. Russia

c. Japan

d. India

Current Affairs Quiz: 21 April 2021
 Current Affairs Quiz: 21 April 2021

                                     Top Current Affairs Quiz 21 April 2021


1.c. France

The French Public Gathering as of late endorsed a bill making "Ecocide" a wrongdoing. Under this regulation, there is an arrangement of a decade in prison and a fine of 5 million euros (for example US $ 5.4 million) for the guilty parties. This regulation will primarily rebuff the people who imperil the climate or perpetrate wrongdoings connected with contamination. Such people will have to carry out three years in jail and a fine of 300,000 euros.

2.d. Mars

As of late, NASA's small scale mechanical helicopter 'Resourcefulness' made an effective departure and arriving on Mars. It was the main worked and controlled trip on some other planet. The primary such flight procedure on Earth were shown by the Wright Siblings in Kitty Bird of prey, North Carolina, in the year 1903. Inventiveness is the principal helicopter to fly on Mars. It was conveyed by NASA's 'Diligence' wanderer, which was sent off in July 2020.

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3.b. Russia

Russian scientists have launched the world's largest underwater neutrino telescope called 'Baikal-GVD (Gigaton Volume Detector) in Baikal, the world's deepest lake in Siberia. The construction of this telescope was started in the year 2016 so that the mysterious fundamental particles called neutrinos can be studied in detail and their possible sources can be determined.

4.c. 21 April

'World Imagination and Advancement Day' is coordinated consistently on 21 April to bring issues to light about the significant job of imagination and development in different parts of human turn of events. The basic role of this day is to urge the average citizens to utilize groundbreaking thoughts, go with new choices and make strides towards improving the world through inventive reasoning.

                                    Current Affairs  21 April 2021 Quiz

5.a. India

Italy as of late sent off the first "Super Food Park" in India which incorporates food handling offices. It is the principal Italian-Indian food park project embraced in the country. The fundamental target of this undertaking is to foster communication among farming and industry. Likewise, the undertaking will zero in on the innovative work of effective advances in the locale.                        

6.b. Russia

Russia's space office Ross universe is wanting to send off its 'Lunar 25' mission in October this year. Russia's Lunar Landing Mission 'Lunar 25' will concentrate on ice frozen under the lunar surface, which can be utilized as an asset by space travelers later on.                        

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